How public roadmaps help you with product development & increase repeat orders
With just 15 minutes a week, you can create a feedback loop and engage your customers
Countless ways to customize and prioritize product roadmaps, collect feedback, and engage stakeholders
Slack is most people's first go-to channel to discuss user feedback, don't let it get lost
Part product marketing, part customer success – a public product roadmap is different than your product backlog
Trello is a great tool, but has challeges as an interactive roadmap. Learn more about inspiring your stakeholders
Our team talked with more than 50 product people over the months to learn about their challenges
Create actionable feedback right from your conversation notes in Intercom. Less future tickets = less churn
How feedback, ideas, good process, and customer communcation result in great product
Get customer buy-in to your product vision. Close the success gap of your product