Aha! vs Roadmap

Roadmap is lightweight Aha! alternative.

Import your Aha! data

The following is a comparison of Aha! and Roadmap. Are you currently using Aha! and looking for something more lightweight and easier to use? Roadmap is the perfect alternative. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Feature Comparison

Feature Aha! Roadmap
Collecting feedback
Product prioritization
Ideas portal
Product roadmaps

You may capture suggestions on Aha!, but not the way Roadmap collects feedback across a growing number of channels.

1) Easy to use, no learning curve.

Roadmap has virtually no learning curve. We focus on one problem: “what should you work on next.

Our web application is fast and responsive. User experience is extremely important to us. Especially regarding your product roadmap and idea portal where your users interact with your data.

We believe in transparency and we’re always excited to talk to our users.

2) Roadmap handles all your feedback input.

We firmly believe that the most valuable feedbacks come from your users. Capture the suggestion at the source being from a customer success talking to a user via Intercom or a support agent helping a customer via Zendesk.

With Roadmap you’ll get a centralized feedback inbox for all of your teams. You can be certain that no feedback falls into cracks. The submitter and the team that captured the feedback are added as followers and will be notified of any progress during the lifetime of that idea.

Feedback inbox

3) Embeddable idea portal and product roadmap.

Communicate product vision where your users are already active and interacting with your product. Inside your application.

No need to make them go to an external site and ask them to sign in again. They are already signed in to your application. We recommend our users to embed their idea portal and product roadmap so the experience for their users will be streamlined.

Let your users submit new idea and vote on what they would like your team to work on next directly from your product.

We’re also offering an hosted version to get you started quickly.

One thing to note though, Roadmap does not yet support SSO for our hosted version. This is something Aha! do.

4) Flexible pricing that aligns with your current stage.

We have three-tiered pricing to support small, medium and large team. Our pricing is based on contributor; someone that can escalate feedback to an idea, update the product roadmap, change statuses, etc.

A free team member can submit new feedback, comment and vote on ideas and roadmap stories. We encourage our users to invite their entire teams. Like Aha! Enterprise plan, you pay for product

We’re comparing Aha!’s Enterprise plan against Roadmap’s Pro plan.

Product Starting price 1 product manager 5 product managers
Roadmap $29/month $49/month $245/month
Aha! $59/month $99/month $495/month
Annual savings $360 $600 $3,000

Ready to give Roadmap a try?

We hope this comparison guide was useful to you.

Making the switch is easy; you can get your whole team set up on Roadmap in just a few minutes.

We can import your Aha! data, just let us know via our in-app messenger.

To get started with a free, no-risk trial (no credit card required), just click here.